Temporo mandibular joint syndrome or tmj syndrome is a complex problem affecting not only the tmj but the head in general.Although the combination of symptoms affect mostly the mandibular joint.Due to the complex possible causes of the syndrome,a joint patient management of the dentist,physical therapist and physician is needed.This is to insure a thorough investigation and therefor better management and relief of the symptoms.
The common tmj syndrome symptoms are usually the following:
1.Pain felt in the temporo mandibular joint.
2.Patient complains of trismus or difficulty of opening one's mouth.
3.Lock jaw.Sometimes the patient just yawned and he can't close his mouth anymore.
4.Clicking sound is heard when the patient closes or opens his mouth.
5.There is pain on palpation of the muscles near the ears and temporal areas.
These are some possible causes of tmj syndrome resulting in the pain and discomfort of the patient.
2.Abnormality in the dental occlusion.
3.Hypermobile temporo mandibular joint.
4.Unusual oral habits like repeated teeth clenching,bruxism etc.
5.Trauma to the tmj.
These are possible tmj syndrome pain relief.Application of any combination of these maybe needed to alleviate the symptoms.
1.Analgesics to relieve pain.
2.Warm compress to be applied to the area.
3.Exercises for the tmj which needs to be done at home by the patient.
4.Avoiding stress that could trigger unwanted oral habits.
5.The correction of malocclusions with the use of oral splints if appropriate.
6.Antidepressant drugs.
7.Physiotherapy like the use of short wave diathermy.
8.Adjustments of occlusion where needed.
9.Surgery on the tmj.
As was mentioned earlier,tmj syndrome is a result of different factors.It is therefor a challenge for the doctor to find the right combination of treatment. Also patient cooperation in doing the necessary tmj exercises at home is important.These will usually lead to relief if not diminished tmj syndrome symptoms.