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Amalgam is the oldest dental filling in dentistry.It is composed of mercury and metals like silver,tin,copper and zinc.It is still the filling of choice today for big cavities specially in the molar areas.Amalgam fillings in these teeth are needed to withstand the forces during mastication.The Food and Drug Administration and American Dental Association still approves the use of amalgam as dental filling. Only precaution is regarding pregnant women and children below 6 years of age.That is to defer removing amalgam fillings when a woman is pregnant to avoid the inhalation of aerosol generated when burring out old amalgam fillings.But people should know that when the dentist uses high vacuum dental suction while working,there is little aerosol spray only because the dental suction does sucks most of the aerosol produced.
Amalgam can be replaced by using composite fillings.Today, there are composite fillings manufactured specially for posterior teeth like the molars.The only problem with composite is, it is technique sensitive.The dentist should follow certain guidelines or techniques in using composite filling for it to have a higher chance of success.Unlike amalgam,it is not so sensitive to techniques but still has also its own guidelines to be followed.In the presence of tooth sensitivity some dentist prefer to use composite to avoid exacerbating the problem if metal filling is used.Since amalgam,a metal could conduct temperature changes to the tooth.But with the use of dental cement as base under the amalgam ,amalgam can still be used.
If you are so concern about mercury in amalgam,discuss with your dentist the alternative filling or other possible dental remedies for your problem.There are inlays,onlays and dental crowns as choices aside from composite depending on the depth,size and location of your dental cavity.
linux web hostingAmalgam is the oldest dental filling in dentistry.It is composed of mercury and metals like silver,tin,copper and zinc.It is still the filling of choice today for big cavities specially in the molar areas.Amalgam fillings in these teeth are needed to withstand the forces during mastication.The Food and Drug Administration and American Dental Association still approves the use of amalgam as dental filling. Only precaution is regarding pregnant women and children below 6 years of age.That is to defer removing amalgam fillings when a woman is pregnant to avoid the inhalation of aerosol generated when burring out old amalgam fillings.But people should know that when the dentist uses high vacuum dental suction while working,there is little aerosol spray only because the dental suction does sucks most of the aerosol produced.
Amalgam can be replaced by using composite fillings.Today, there are composite fillings manufactured specially for posterior teeth like the molars.The only problem with composite is, it is technique sensitive.The dentist should follow certain guidelines or techniques in using composite filling for it to have a higher chance of success.Unlike amalgam,it is not so sensitive to techniques but still has also its own guidelines to be followed.In the presence of tooth sensitivity some dentist prefer to use composite to avoid exacerbating the problem if metal filling is used.Since amalgam,a metal could conduct temperature changes to the tooth.But with the use of dental cement as base under the amalgam ,amalgam can still be used.
If you are so concern about mercury in amalgam,discuss with your dentist the alternative filling or other possible dental remedies for your problem.There are inlays,onlays and dental crowns as choices aside from composite depending on the depth,size and location of your dental cavity.
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